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Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Well, yes. Just one thing I noticed during experiments: Split packets are rare but possible, merged (joined) packets quite very common. But even the simple code in one of my previous posts works OK. I believe Victor is right that creating new byte arrays constantly is not optimal performance-wise, but on the other hand it is simple and Airio never uses more than 1-3% of CPU power for normal processing, so... Uhm...

I still haven't seen split packets, but will test it with dedi on another server, maybe I see them then. The only way I got "split" packets was when I made my receive buffer to small so not all (combined) packets fit into it, so the packet was split in my own buffer. The handling is the same though, so I'm sure it will handle split packets correctly. Have a nice day!
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :I've noticed this also earlier, though there are no doubt exceptions: Posting any code makes the thread die!

You were right EQ :-)
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
I analyzed my code tonight and even found a bug in it. I already worked with a read buffer and continued reading from the tcp if packets weren't complete. Combined packets were handled correctly, but if there would be a split packet (I never saw them yet ) the rest of the packet was written on the wrong position in the buffer. I still have to test it and hope it's fine now I'd like to share it with you guys. I removed the error handling to make the code more readable:

// buffer
const int _BUFF_SIZE = 8096;
byte[] _anbBuff = new byte[_BUFF_SIZE];
int _nBuffUsed = 0, int _nBytesRead = 0, int _nOffset = 0; // start reading from the first position in buffer

public void Listen (IAsyncResult iaResult) {
// get tcp data
_nBytesRead = _nsNetworkStream.EndRead (iaResult);

if (_nBytesRead > 0) {
_nBuffUsed += _nBytesRead; // _nBuffUsed will contain total number of bytes in buffer

// as long as the buffer contains (more) data and the size of the data is at least equal to the size of the processed packet
while (_nBuffUsed > _nOffset && _nBuffUsed >= _nOffset + _anbBuff [_nOffset]) {

// if packetsize % 4 (valid packet size)
if (_anbBuff [_nOffset] % 4 == 0) {
// copy and handle the full packet
byte[] anbPack = new byte [_anbBuff [_nOffset]];
Array.Copy(_anbBuff, _nOffset, anbPack, 0, anbPack.Length);
_handlePacket (anbPack);
else {
// invalid packet found, throw exception and terminate connection

_nOffset += _anbBuff [_nOffset]; // put offset on next packet

// if all packets in buffer could be processed, reset buffer pointers
if (_nBuffUsed == _nOffset) {
_nBuffUsed = _nOffset = 0;

// wait for more tcp data
_nsNetworkStream.BeginRead (_anbBuff, _nBuffUsed, _BUFF_SIZE - _nBuffUsed, new AsyncCallback (Listen), _tcpClient);
else {
// no data received, throw exception and terminate connection

Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Victor, great explanation and awesome suggestions, thank you! In short, make one big static buffer, always fill it with everything available and process the data. Nice.

As for the erroneous disconnects, I meant that my earlier code was not processing split packets correctly, so it lead to bad packets being detected, especially when run remotely, which meant disconnects, probably just because of bad code and not bad packets.

Thanks indeed Victor! I already used a "receive buffer", but now I notice I always copy the packet out of the buffer to use in my packet handler. So.. there is the overhead too. I should change that. I think i have the same problem as EQ with the "bad code" ;-) That tcp stuff is one of the first things you make when building a InSim library and hmm... I don't remember how long ago I did it, but when I watch the code I don't understand much of it anymore I'll try to optimize it and will let you know
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Hmm, I'm really not sure when it happens. Airio had troubles with remote connection to servers (running on another PC, data transferred over the Internet), especially when the connection was not perfect. I guess split packets were more frequent then, leading to erroneous disconnects for bad packets. But it may as well be just my imagination.

Hmmm I'll try that... and the erroneous disconnects for bad packets? How should I imagine that? Insim got disconnected with some error message or?
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Well, yes, I do that packet size check later on when the read packet is actually being processed, this is just TCP (whole) packet reading code.

Also, I added code to notify me about split packets and indeed it happens sometimes. It seems the code is now correctly handling both split and merged packets though, so it was a great note/tip Scawen made.

Good to hear I check the package size in TCP handling already and when the packet size is wrong I terminate the connection. This never happened though (according to my log). My handling is a little different and I think it always handled split and merge packets right. I read the packets like if it's one big stream. All packets go into a buffer and I read only (or until) the size I expect for the specific packet. I will add some logging to see it actually happens. Do you know if there is a specific situation that this splitting/combining occurs or is it completely random?
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :I've noticed this also earlier, though there are no doubt exceptions: Posting any code makes the thread die!

Sorry, forgot about the thread because I've been quite busy this weekend. Lets check it

I think Scawen wrote something about invalid packet sizes before. Shouldn't they be ignored if not dividable by 4? In my code (which is slightly different) I added this check:

byte[] buff = new byte[256]; // number of bytes read stored in bts
int bts = tcp.Receive(buff, 1, SocketFlags.None); // InSim packet length stored in buff[0]
if (bts == 0) { return new byte[0]; } // disconnect
[COLOR="Red"]if (buff[0] % 4 != 0) { return new byte[0]; } // disconnect (invalid packet size)[/COLOR]
while (buff[0] > bts) // read from TCP until packet length
bts += tcp.Receive(buff, bts, buff[0] - bts, SocketFlags.None); // read only one packet
Array.Resize(ref buff, bts);
return buff;

Last edited by Mischa NED, .
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :Fortunately the code update was not too complicated, if anyone's interested, I could post the few lines of (supposedly correct) split/joined packet handling C# code here for review/discussion.

Go ahead And indeed thanks to the devs for all these nice updates
MAX ALPHA (unsorted)
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
What does the (red) message "MAX ALPHA (unsorted)" in SHIFT+U mode mean?

When I'm in SHIFT+U with a lot of objects I'm spammed with these messages until I zoom in, close SHIFT+U or remove the objects.

I tried many things to find out when this message starts appearing and it seems that there must be 470 or more visible objects in SHIFT+U mode.

I hope you understand my explanation

UPDATE: It doesn't always send the messages. It seems to have to do with camera height too. I added a layout file with some objects so you can test it. When making it I found out the value isn't always 470 either. In this sample the message already appears above 444 objects.
Last edited by Mischa NED, . Reason : Update
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :I've tested your coords - they come out in a straight line for me. See attached

Ok thanks and you did it with the AXM packet? Then something must be wrong in my "short" conversion... weird though... lets check it Thx again.

UPDATE: I don't know what was wrong, but I implemented that conversion again and it worked straight away. You can forget my question Sorry for wasting some of ur time.
Last edited by Mischa NED, . Reason : Fixed
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from chucknorris :You should re-do your code thoroughly. I've placed a cone at your 'A' position and its coordinate was about x:3993 y:770, so miles away from the position you posted.
Furthermore, where did you get comma values from ? These coordinates are short integers, so always whole numbers without fractional digits.

Hi The coordinates are real x and y values, not the ones used in the AXM packet. I multiply them by 16 in the AXM packet and that comes close to your values.

I got the comma values from the CompCar out of a MCI packet.
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
I was playing a bit with the AXM packets, but I get unexpected results. I put 8 objects on blackwood in 1 line:

A 251.48 45.44
B 254.93 32.52
C 258.38 19.59
D 261.83 6.67
E 265.29 6.26-
F 268.74 19.18-
G 272.19 32.11-
H 275.64 45.03-

I thought this should be a straight line, but the result is as in the attached image. Can somebody reproduce this or could there be an error in my insim library? It's on different spots on track where numbers go from + to - and opposite. I don't have time now to examine the problem, but if it's a lfs bug it would be nice if fixed. Thanks
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Sorry I don't dare to write this to you because it's such a minor thing and I don't want to waste your time on it, but in the insim.txt file is written:

// InSim for Live for Speed : 0.5A2

Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Is there a reason why there is no HLVC_OBJECT in the HLVC enumeration or should I read HLVC_WALL as "hit some object"? In some corners it's possible to hit objects before hitting ground or wall. If you hit an object (tyres on inside of corner for example) InSim tells me the player hit a wall. I think it's nice to be able to tell the user if he hit an object or a wall without checking the OBH packet.
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I did forget to put the new InSim.txt in the patch. You can get it here :

Yes, I intended that the PLC packet should be not such a harsh function as the /cars function now is. IS_PLC just sets which cars a player is allowed to select, but doesn't kick them out if they had already selected one which they are no longer allowed to select.

Sorry, I should have seen it I guess I was to excited that I got stuck to the patch test thread

I just tested the CON, HLV, OBH and ACR packets, they work great . Enjoy your well deserved weekend
Mischa NED
S2 licensed

I guessed the value for ISP_PLC and sent the packet. It does what you would expect But I have a question.

This release you automatically spectate people who drive in a disabled car (after changing /cars). Is there a reason why you didn't do this after sending the PLC packet? I know it's simple to spectate someone from InSim, but I just wonder if this is the way it should work.

Thanks again,
Insim.txt missing?
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Hi Scawen,

Fantastic job! I have been waiting for all those InSim changes for some time and you did them all ;-) I was very curious for the description of the latest packets, but is the insim.txt file updated? It looks like if you put the Z32 version (of May 6th) in the archives.

Hope to hear from you,
Dakar 2010 - Live Tracking / Results
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
For the Dakar fans out there the following urls. Virtual stage and overal results:

Live Tracking / Results

And if you want to follow a specific driver/country, just change the parameters in the following address: ... country=NLD&track=417

See ya,
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from EQ Worry :The problem is that such a /lock could depend on many, many different things. In Airio you have bad car setup (tyres, restrictions, passengers), insufficient time (on server/LFSW), rank (points), safety, current state of the race, previous rejoins, etc...

First of all great work on your new project ;-)

I see advantages of a /lock. If you /spec people try to join the track and a message appears that the user joined the track. They keep trying even when they get a warning about a "lock". If you really lock them, they can't join at all and the people who are racing aren't bothered by these messages. After a lock you could show a friendly message in the middle of the screen why they are locked.

It's just an idea... I think it's not an extreme request... It's just an option in between the current /kick and /spec which I would use. I think when it's implemented you would sooner /lock somebody than /kick him.

Scawen, I hope you have an opinion on this one too. Thanx :-)
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from morpha :Yes there is: /spec

I want to prevent them from even trying to join... and give them neat message Scawen talks about. If you spec them... they keep try joining... even with red message explaining why they can't join... If you lock them with a nice popup they can't join, explain them why and how they could... then Scawen is happy, the user is happy, and peeps in server are happy...

I know about the /spec /kick /ban options :P please give me a /lock at least I'll be happy then ;-)
InSim - Lock user...
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Hi there,

I think the main reason for kicking people from a server is preventing troubles and keeping the servers clean. There is no other way to "lock" a specific user from messing on a server. I understand we (insim developpers) have to realise often it's a users first impression of online racing with LFS. I think I have a nice solution that works for everybody.

Add an InSim package we can send to the host to "lock" a user. This means the user can't join the track. We could show the reason for the lock in a friendly message in the middle of the screen. This could even be an LFS feature. Let InSim developpers send a reason in the InSim package and let LFS show the popup why they are locked. Hmm? :-)

InSim Request
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Hi there,

I mentioned it before in previous patch, but I have a request which is not listed yet. I think it would be nice for InSim developpers to know if a hotlap is valid or not. I made this check myself based on cars position, but during a (minor) lag the position can be estimated/calculated wrong and a very clean lap can be counted as invalid.

Scawen wrote before: "HLVC detection is not calculated in multiplayer mode - it's just for hotlapping - so it's not just a case of adding a flag". Maybe it's an idea to add this to the wishlist?

Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Great stuff Scawen! Thanx for including the screen angle and fov update in this patch. I'm going to test it right away and will let u know if I find something strange.
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Quote from AjRose :Hey Scawen, Have you thought about making the screen angle adjustable in game.

I asked the same in Z16 and for me it would be a great option! I hope it's simple to add. What is the angle now? 45? I'm using even less than 30, because the distance to my monitors is about 1 meter. I think I need only 20 degrees or so. Moving the screns to 45 degrees is not an option... Right now I drive without left/right enabled, so I'm on the old 3 screen setup..
Mischa NED
S2 licensed
Just to be sure, cause I didn't see a reply on the Z16 thread yet. Are there more people who have this little problem with bezel compensation?

When I activate bezel compensation on 3 screens you see the views on left and right monitor move a bit to the center. Sounds correct, but the most left vertical line of pixels on the center monitor is also rendered/changed.

It's like if the left render is 1281 pixels (screen width + 1) so the last vertical line of pixels of that render appears on the left side of the center monitor.

UPDATE: I think this is not LFS related.. I have a way to reproduce this problem in Windows too... thanx & post can be removed
Last edited by Mischa NED, .